Ubitex is a global cryptocurrency exchange, and you can trade all cryptocurrencies there or future contracts. UB coin is the platform cryptocurrency of Ubitex, namely its own internal coin. From chart above (UB coin price May 15th~Sep 12th), we can see that the UB coin price is increasing always. Its price performance even outperformed mainstream cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin and Ethereum.
Register: https://www.ubitex.com/en/account/register?inviteCode=kyc4rk
Why Does UB Coin Price Increase?
So how does Ubitex keep the UB coin price increasing always? And how can we seize the early opportunity of UB price increase to make some money? Let’s continue.
1. High Profits Staking Plans
As we reviewed before, UbitEx provides 5 staking plans, from which you can earn 0.5%~0.85% daily. Very profitable staking rewards, right?
So how to join Ubitex staking plans to make money? There is only one way: buy UB to form a currency pair, and then stake it. In this way, UB will have a very good market.
If you often promote affiliate investment projects, you will know that if a big team leader join the project, he/she can easily bring hundreds of millions of dollars here. With so much money used to buy UB coin, it is difficult for its price not to rise.
2. UB Coin Proportion Increased When Skating
In the first two weeks after the staking program was launched, the staking currency pair is “50% UB coin + 50% USDT”. However, at the end of May, Ubitex changed the pair to be “60% UB coin + 40% USDT”.
This further increased UB coin purchases. And it is possible that Ubitex officials will modify the staking ratio again in the future, that is, increase the proportion of UB coin to increase its sales.
3. Less Trading Volume

Currently, besides Ubitex, there are only two CEX supporting UB coin. So it is relatively easy for Ubitex official to manipulate the price of UB coin at this time, because the exchange and transaction volume are relatively small.
As more and more exchanges to accept UB coin, it will be harder to manipulate the price for Ubitex team.
How To Get UB Coin?
Since UB coin price trend is so good, you can make money just by holding it, so how can we get UB coin? There are three ways currently.
1. Trade to Get UB Coin
You can register and login Ubitex exchange, then transfer your USDT/BTC/ETH… to their platform, and sell them for UB coin. This is an easy and common way to get a crypto coin.
You only need to buy UB coin at the price which is appropriate, then set the profit point, and when the profit price is reached, you can make money by selling it directly.
2. Staking to Get UB Coin
Just as we wrote above, you can join Ubitex staking plans to earn money. According to the plans you choose, the daily profit will 0.5%~0.85%. You can change all these profits to UB coin any time you like.
Tutorial: How to start staking UB coin in Ubitex exchange
Correctly speaking, you should buy UB coin to start staking and earn stUB every day. Then convert stUB to UB coin when it reaches minimum 30 stUB. 1 stUB can be exchanged to 1 UB coin.
3. Promote to Get UB Coin
If you are good at marketing, you can also use your talent to promote Ubitex’s staking program.
Ubitex offers 5 affiliate rewards to promoters: referral commissions, rank bonus, team commissions, united Icon dividends and trading fees. You can earn a lot of UB coins if you are willing to share Ubitex to your friends and relatives.
Whether it is the price of UB coin or the staking plans, they are both still in the early stages. So, if you have spare money or promotional ability, welcome to join Ubitex to earn extra income.
Register: https://www.ubitex.com/en/account/register?inviteCode=kyc4rk