FreeNow Affiliate
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A Dublin taxi driver made €120k in four months by creatively using an affiliate marketing program of a taxi app company, FreeNow.


A Reddit post about a Dublin taxi driver’s innovative use of a taxi app’s affiliate program has garnered significant attention. The driver started earning extra income by promoting a referral code offered by FreeNow (previously known as Mytaxi) to new users. Initially, distributing physical cards with his referral code didn’t yield substantial results, but the driver soon found success by sharing his code online, particularly while selling a TV.

Upon realizing the potential of his approach, he decided to invest more resources, hiring someone on Fiverr to create promotional materials and using them on social media platforms such as Facebook and Instagram. The driver also reached out to various establishments via email, including hotels and pubs, to expand his reach.

By strategically allocating time and resources, the driver was able to significantly scale his efforts, achieving a weekly gross income of approximately €7,500. The strategy worked effectively for about four months, until the company noticed his success and subsequently ended the referral program. Nonetheless, the driver’s creative tactics enabled him to make €120k in that timeframe, ultimately bringing in over 12,000 new customers for FreeNow.

This remarkable case demonstrates the value of innovative thinking and strategic execution in the realm of online marketing and affiliate programs. The driver’s resourcefulness and willingness to experiment with various promotion channels resulted in substantial profits, illustrating the immense potential of such programs.

Bullet points

  • The Dublin taxi driver earned extra income through FreeNow’s affiliate program, receiving €10 for every new customer who used his referral code.
  • The driver initially attempted to distribute physical cards but later found success by promoting the code online, primarily when selling a TV.
  • To scale up his efforts, the driver invested in professional promotional materials and utilized social media platforms such as Facebook and Instagram.
  • Additionally, the driver sent targeted emails to hotels, pubs, and other local businesses to expand his customer base.
  • With minimal upfront costs, the driver managed to earn an average weekly gross income of €7,500, generating around €120k over four months.
  • The driver’s approach attracted over 12,000 new customers for FreeNow before the company discontinued the referral program.
  • The success of the driver’s tactics showcases the value of creativity, strategic planning, and resourcefulness in maximizing the potential of online marketing and affiliate programs.

Today’s article is a bit different from the usual. I came across a Reddit post that grabbed my attention, and I knew I had to share it with you.

It’s about a taxi driver in Dublin who, through a mix of clever thinking and digital savvy, made €120k in just four months.

Here’s what we should learn from a taxi driver and how he utilized online marketing to gain this much ROI.

How It All Started

It all started with the taxi app FreeNow, which used to be called Mytaxi. Every driver got a special code.

If a new customer used this code, they’d get €10 off their first ride, and the driver would get €10 too. It was like being part of an ad team without really trying.

At first, the driver tried giving out cards with his code, but that didn’t work so well. Then, while he was selling a TV online, he thought, “Why not put the code here too?” He did just that, and by the next morning, eight people had used his code.

That meant he made €80 while he was sleeping!

Getting Smart with It

Realizing he was onto something, the driver decided to get a bit more serious.

He paid someone €20 on Fiverr to make some nice-looking ads with his code and started putting these ads on Facebook and Instagram.

The driver didn’t stop there. He also sent emails to places like hotels and pubs all over Dublin, telling them about the €10 off deal.

As he started earning more and more, he started spending a lot of time on this, especially finding email addresses. But soon, the money started rolling in. He was spending some cash on these ads, about €500 a week, but he was making way more back in referrals.

He wasn’t sure if the ads or the emails were working better, but he didn’t really care. It was working.

Calculating ROI

He was spending approx. €500 a week on ads, so over the 4 months about €8k.

As he mentioned in the thread his average weekly gross income was around €7,500. So net profit around €7,000 per week.

The referral bonuses were paid out weekly, so the cash flow coming in from the very start. It allowed the driver to scale up the ad spend very quickly.

The very first ad he put up on the classifieds site was free, so his start up cost was €0. LOL 😂

His only other expense was time. He spent maybe 100 hours sending out emails to places like hotels and pubs.

Finally They Closed Affiliate Program

The taxi app company noticed he was doing really well but didn’t realize how he was doing it.

They were cool with it, though, and told him to keep going. But after about four months, they stopped the whole referral thing. The driver was disappointed but couldn’t complain too much. He’d made over €120k and brought in more than 12,000 new customers for them.

Even better, all those new customers now had him as their favorite driver in the app. That meant more business for him long after the referral scheme was done.

A Wider Perspective

What stands out in this story is not just the driver’s success but the community’s varied interpretations and takeaways. Some see it as a marketer’s dream scenario, where a simple refferal code can lead to thousands of new customers with minimal effort.

Others commend the execution, the clever use of resources, and the undeniable win-win situation created for all parties involved.

What We Can Learn?

This story isn’t just cool because of the money. It shows how being creative and mixing old-school stuff like handing out cards with new tech like social media ads can really pay off. The driver saw a chance and went for it, using simple tools and a bit of hard work.

So, if you’re trying to make something work, whether it’s a side hustle or your main job, think about how you can use what’s around you in new ways. You never know, you might just hit on something big, just like this taxi driver in Dublin.